Knife Sheath for Outside the Waistband Carry

  • The horizontal configuration is most popular in the 6 o’clock carry position. This is also known as the “scout” carry. 

  • You can choose to have the blade configured into a vertical carry position as well. This is great for taking up less space on your belt.

  • If you choose the vertical carry position the blade edge will be presented away from you when drawn if you choose to place it on your right side.

  • These holsters are for right hand draw, so if you need a left handed sheath send me an email and I am happy to assist you with that.

Carry Position:
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If you are interested in a custom knife sheath here are the steps to do so.

  1. Email me at and give me the blade information/model.

  2. Once you have done that you can purchase a knife sheath under the “custom” option under the “Model” tab.

  3. After you have completed that you can mail the blade to me at: P.O. Box 9243, Reno NV, 89507.

  4. Once I receive your blade I will custom make your sheath and ship it back to you!